29 March 2011

The Vegan Stoner

I'm a vegetarian, but also a college student. Which means I am two things - cheap and lazy. I found this online vegan cooking blog "The Vegan Stoner" and it seems like the perfect resource for someone like me. I am not a vegan, but still love the recipes and am always interested in eating vegan foods whenever possible. The illustrations are adorable and all of the recipes are cheap and easy to make. The creators of the blog, Sarah Conrique and Graham I. Haynes, are currently working on "The Vegan Stoner Cookbook" which I am very excited for as well! Take a look.. Vegan food isn't only for vegans! Below is a glimpse at two of my favorite recipes featured that I cannot wait to make - The Chickpea Wraps and Soy Lazy Tacos( Sorry they are so small, I'm still new at this blog stuff). Check out the blog here: TheVeganStoner

Payton Turner Wallpaper

I stumbled across this installation by Payton Turner and Brian Kaspr that I thought was really neat. Each of the wall paper patterns is made up of thousands of hand applied stickers that can be removed at once and reapplied in different spaces. It reminded me a lot of Willy Wonka and "the snozberries taste like snozberries" Take a looksee...

Photos and info thanks to paytonturner.com

28 March 2011

Real Life Up!

I fell in love with the movie UP when I saw it in theaters - I laughed, I cried, I cheered. It is one of those animated movies that touched a special place in my heart (right next to Toy Story 3) and reached out to adults just as much as it did to children. National Geographic is launching a new television series in the Fall of 2011 "How Hard Could it Be?", and one of their episodes will focus around making a real live version of the house from Up, floating in the air thanks to 300 helium-filled weather balloons. The lightweight house stayed in the air for about an hour and reached a height of 3000m. I just wish I could have been there...

Photos thanks to TheCoolHunter

Delicate Rings

I have always loved big bobble type rings - fun statement pieces. But recently I have been drawn to more delicate rings, ones that are stackable. Wearing them everyday along side my bobbles. You can find very cheap ones on Etsy - multiple versions of the same thing, or more expensive versions on jewelry sites such as Catbird. Here are a few of my cheaper and not so cheap favorites...

loved - knot - heart - bird - S

20 March 2011

Online Magazine Obsession

I thought my head over heels relationship with blogs and Tumblr could never be surpassed until I discovered the wonderment of online magazines. My two favorites Lonny Magazine, an interior design and lifestyle magazine just brimming with endless inspiration for my first apartment, townhouse, family home and everywhere I decide to live in between (besides of course my dorm room which may be the most ungodly place on earth, messy roommates are the absolute worst). My favorite aspect of Lonny may be the History of Style section which provides a crash course every issue on a different era in furniture history. There is also a huge focus on sustainability and eco-friendly living, which I am all about. Hence the paperless magazine!

And then there's Matchbook Magazine, and I don't think obsession is a strong enough word to describe my relationship with this online publication. Matchbook is brand new, only on it's second issue, and I am in love with every page of both issues thus far. The magazine is a collection of everything wonderful in life. I've made Max look over both issues just so he can understand what I truly find fabulous.

all photos are courtesy of Lonny Magazine and Matchbook Magazine