I am currently taking an Environmental Ethics course and I enjoy doing my homework for it way more than any college student should. Last week we had to read a bunch of current events articles and one of them was on an offshore wind line that has received great financial backing from Google and other sources. I even tweeted about it, nerdy.
After living in Denmark surrounded by windmills I cannot think of one con that outweighs the abundance of pros. Not even the noise. And the proposed US wind line will supposedly be far enough out that noise will not be an issue. After busing from Copenhagen to Ã…lborg in the dead of winter with only fog and snow to look at for hours, I even found the sight of windmills to be calming. The proposed US line will run down the coast of New Jersey through Delaware, honestly who cares about their view anyway (Sorry Snooki).
By 2030 Denmark plans to satisfy 50% of its electricity needs by means of wind energy. The US needs to stop worrying so much about monetary costs, because the environmental costs will soon outweigh them if they don't stop dilly-daddling around ideas without commitment. Ideas like this need to be put into effect.
Check out the article here:
The above photo is of the Middelgrunden wind farm off the coast of Copenhagen.